Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1 Nephi 16:14-16

We talked a little last time about the food situation of Lehi and his family. In verse 14, Nephi tells us that they used bows and arrows to slay food for their families, most likely meaning that they hunted the local game of the area. It seems that they all stopped in Shazer. The men went hunting for their families. Then they returned to Shazer where their families were and again commenced their journey in the nearly south-southeast direction. Of course the area around the Arabian desert is very arid. This is one of the reasons they needed the Liahona. The Lord could direct them through the most fertile parts of the wilderness at that time of the year, along or near the shores of the Red Sea. This is what He did. Nephi also adds that in addition to their bows and arrows, they used stones and slings to slay food.

To me, this sounds like a lot of hard work. I know that hard work will teach us many things, spiritual and physical, that nothing else can. I would have learned to rely on the Lord as I do now, but perhaps in a more direct and personal way. We shall see that they were very blessed. We shall also see that this journey was a large trial for them and their faith may waver. I couldn't exactly say what I would do in their situation. I would hope that I could bear the trials without complaint, like Nephi did, but I don't think anyone will know unless they would be called to go through the exact same thing.

However, we are called to go through trials, and this seems to be a common theme in this first book. We will see again examples of how we are supposed to handle trials and how we need to be stronger than some. This is quite easier said than done. One last thought. We can always call upon the Lord for help with our trials. He has given us the invitation and the promise (Matthew 11:28-30):

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

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