Wednesday, May 6, 2009

1 Nephi 19:16

In verse 16, Nephi continues to quote some prophesies of Zenos. Zenos prophesies that the many people of the house of Israel that are scattered on the isles of the sea will be gathered, even all the house of Israel from the four quarters of the earth. I think that the key thing for this verse is found in the beginning. It says that He, Jesus Christ, will remember the isles of the sea. He knows that He has directed certain groups to split off from the Old World and go among other isolated parts of the world and inherit them as promised, and blessed, lands. The Nephites were among those peoples. They inherited a part of the Americas. The Americas are blessed lands. We shall discuss this more in a few chapters (see 2 Nephi 1:5 and on).

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