Friday, August 22, 2008

1 Nephi 5:1-9

In this selection, we get a little insight into what happened while Nephi and his brothers were going to Jerusalem and back for the brass plates. The principal people involved are Lehi and his wife Sariah. It seems that during the time they were away, Sariah morns for them. She feels that they have been lost in the wilderness and have perished. She blames Lehi for being a visionary man and now that her sons have perished, that they will, too.

Here's a thought that I'm not too sure about. I heard once that the Laman and Lemuel got their complaining attributes from their mother. What do you think?

Lehi admits that he is a visionary man and is grateful for it. Otherwise he says that he would not have been able to see that the promised land would be so great. Then he testifies to Sariah that the Lord is conscious of their mission and circumstances and will protect them the entire time. He will also deliver them back to the camp safely. Sariah apparently feels that this is true and is comforted. The great thing that happens now is that she gains a testimony of their journey and the commandment of the Lord to leave Jerusalem. It's and incredible thing they are doing. In an application to our day, we can gain a testimony of any commandment that comes from God, through our prophet just as Sariah did. In this case her husband was the prophet.

In the end, they showed their thanks unto God for His protection and goodness in allowing them to have the brass plates in order to preserve their language and their religion.


The Pratts said...

I have also heard that thought that Laman and Lemuel got their complaining attributes from their mother. At first I was a little offended by that thought, I mean she was asked to do a lot and maybe she deserved a what I do can time to be upset when she thought she lost her boys. But, I have decided that isn't the point of that comment. It isn't to blame Sariah, it is to show her difference from Lehi, also to show the difference between her children. I have decided not to get offended by that thought and take it as it is... advice. I have to see that what I do can really affect the future attributes of my kids. I need to see what I want them to be like and act that way myself. This is really the best lesson to me about being a "good example."

Shawn - I really am enjoying your post, keep up the good work! I think this is a great way for you to improve your personal study. Plus a great journal to look back at when you want to see your past study. Good job!

sdbroder said...

Thanks for the comment! I agree with you and when I first heard someone say that comment, it took me by surprise. I want to be the best example for my kids, too. I know that they watch everything that we do.

I think that we have all thought something like, wow this life is hard! The commandments from God are not easy to follow. I think that most if not all commandments take sacrifice and faith to follow. I am reminded of a quote from Joseph Smith that is in the Sacrifice entry in the Guide to the Scriptures (GS Sacrifice). It states, "a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has the power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation."